We Offer you Products according to your Needs

Equity Investment
Equity is a stock or share representing an ownership interest in a company. An equity investment generally refers to the buying and holding of shares or stock on a stock market by individuals and firms in anticipation of income from dividends and capital gains from increase in their market prices.Investing in equity is one of the few ways of making big money—sometimes very big money. However, it comes with the risk of losing money—sometimes the entire amount. Therefore, despite the high potential, investment in equity is negligible when compared to the bank deposits / post-office schemes. The fear of loss is simply too overwhelming.We help our clients with stock picking and choosing new age equity investment products with track record of highest returns.

Mutual Funds
A mutual fund is an investment vehicle made up of a pool of money collected from many investors for the purpose of investing in securities such as stocks, bonds, money market instruments and other assets. We help our clients to choose the most suitable mutual fund scheme depending on their investment objective, risk profile and investment horizon.
Equity Investment
Mutual Funds
General Insurance
Life Insurance

General Insurance
General insurance includes insurance policies that protect our health, property and our financial risk, including motor vehicle, home building and contents and travel insurance. It helps us protect ourselves and the things we value, such as our homes, our cars and our valuables, from the financial impact of risks, big and small – from fire, flood, storm and earthquake, to theft, car accidents, travel mishaps – and even from the costs of legal action against us. We help our clients identify the types of risks they are exposed to and wish to cover, by choosing the right kind of policy with the features they need.

Life Insurance
Life Insurance is defined as a contract between an insurance policy holder and an insurance company, where the insurer promises to pay a sum of money in exchange for a premium, upon the death of an insured person or after a set period. We help our clients to choose suitable life insurance products and opt for plans required to fulfill their Financial Goals, even in their absence.

Your Wealth and Wellness are our Priorities

Do you have any questions?
+91-7506648757 | info@4fga.net